What is Javelin Throw? Rules of Javelin Throw: How to Throw Javelin? Rules and Regulations of Javelin Throw.

What is Javelin Throw? Rules of Javelin Throw: How to Throw Javelin? Rules and Regulations of Javelin Throw.

Javelin Throw:

In javelin the landing area is around 
100 meters long and 29 degrees wide the minimum runway is 30 meters by 4 meters in javelin the male javelin measures 2.7 meters while the female javelin measures 2 point 3 meters there are three kinds of grip American where the cord is gripped between the thumb and index finger finish where it is gripped between the thumb and the middle finger and the fork the cord is gripped between the index and middle fingers when preparing to accelerate the athlete holds the javelin over the shoulder with the elbow up and pointed forward the javelin is aimed in the direction of the throw with the point tip slightly down during acceleration.

The athlete runs 
straight ahead with hips perpendicular to the target area while maintaining the javelins position during the final few strides one leg crosses over the other as the javelin is pulled back the throwing hand should be at shoulder height in the arm strength planned one leg and push off with the other turning the hips so they are again perpendicular to the target area as the body weight is transferred forward bringing the arm up and forward while keeping the elbow high.
The objective in Javelin throw:

1. For 
athletes the objective of javelin throw is to throw a spear-like structure technically called a javelin with their bare hands with a maximum force so that it will land within a prescribed marking area.

2. The 
game is played in both men's and women's categories scoring in javelin throw one the thrower with the single best distance wins two if there is a tie the second best throw by each of the two throwers determines the winner.

3. Three referees measure a throw's distance from the point of the javelin that is closest to the arc or throw line.

Rules of javelin throw:

1. Athlete should always hold the javelin at the grip part while maintaining it above their shoulder level.
2. For a valid throw the javelin must 
lie before the specified zone and its tip should hit the ground.
3. Athletes need to take care of 
special marking lines on the runway within which they need to throw.
4. The athlete is strictly prohibited 
to leave the ground until the javelin lands on the ground.

5. After the throwing 
action has been made the thrower should not turn back towards the pointing direction until it lands.
6. The number of throws allowed per 
athlete varies according to the intensity of the throw.
7. The athletes are strictly 
prohibited to use bruiner for practice purposes.

8. I
f the game for example has more than eight throwers each thrower gets three trials when there are fewer throwers each gets six throws after the first three throws the top eight competitors get three more Throws each.
9. The javelin does not have to land 
with a point in the ground but it has to land with the point tip facing forward.

10. The javelin also has to leave a 
noticeable mark in the ground within the boundaries of the throwing field.
11.  Using any device that may assist the thrower in throwing is strictly prohibited for example the taping of fingers is not allowed unless there is a wound.
12. The throw will be considered as a 
foul in the following cases:
a). the improper throw of the javelin in 
b). de-marking of the line with any part 
of the body.
c). player going out of the marking 
line while throwing.
d) the tip of the javelin lies outside 
the edges of the landing sector.
13. The time is increased to one minute 
if there are two to three number of competitors in case of only one competitor being left the time is increased to two minutes this is it folks make sure you thoroughly go through these rules before participating share with us your experience in the comments section down below.