Benefits of Playing Football

Benefits of Playing Football:

Amazing health benefits of football play

the history of football can be traced 
back to the second and third century in China at the time of the Han Dynasty period people played with the dribble skin in a small net they kicked it into the goal area called su Chu for gaining a score this was the game of the army it was one of the physical training activities meant for the army there are a lot of advantages for playing football.

These are mentioned below:
1. Movement of run and jump on football
2. Training stimulates the growth of leg
3. Bones it also helps in increasing bone 
density minimize the occurrence of 
football can increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and accelerate the flow of blood to the brain thus it will help in increasing physical abilities in the brain's ability to respond to something playing football on a regular basis can help to reduce mental decline in women over 65 year playing football helps in production of a chemical endorphin in the brain this will help to reduce depression and maintains positivity it forces the heart to beat faster and strengthen the heart muscles thereby it helps in the overall health of the heart it helps in burning of fatty tissue that will produce energy this will in turn decrease fat deposit on your body you will be surprised after exercise why your weight does not decline or even increase this is because of an increase in muscle mass it helps in strengthening the bone it can also prevent osteoporosis it will help you to reduce anxiety even further it can help to control anger concentration is an important thing in football thus by playing football you can increase the duration and quality of attention forces you to move quickly in a certain direction for example moves laterally and vertically and running forward or backward this will help you to be more flexible.