What is Monopoly? How to Play Monopoly? Monopoly Board Game Rules & Instructions.

What is Monopoly? How to Play Monopoly? Monopoly Board Game Rules & Instructions.


Monopoly can be played by two to eight players the object of the game is to become the wealthiest player in the game through buying renting and selling property what do you need to play Monopoly a Monopoly board two six-sided dice playing tokens for each player 32 houses 12 hotels 16 chance in 16 Community Chest cards 28 title deed cards for each property money choose a banker select someone as banker.

f this person also plays then he must keep his personal funds separate from those of the bank this player is in charge of all the money property houses and hotels still belonging to the bank the bank pays salaries and bonuses the bank collects all taxes finds loans and interests and the price of all properties which it sells and auctions the bank can't go broken if the bank runs out of money the banker may issue as much as needed by writing on an ordinary paper.

Monopoly Game Set up:

Monopoly board on a table stack the chanson Community Chest cards facedown on their allotted spaces on the board each player selects a token to move around the board each token starts on the go space before the game starts the banker gives everybody they're starting money each player is given $1,500 divided as follows to $500 bills to $100 bills to $50 bills six 20s 5 10 s 5 5s and 5 ones.

Who goes F

Starting with a banker 
each player throws both dice the player that rolls the highest total on both dice goes first gameplay recedes clockwise from that player.
Rules of Monopoly:

Each player places his token on 
the go on each player's turn the to die are rolled and they move their token to the same number of spaces equal to the value role based on the space landed. An action will be taken monopoly has many different kinds of spaces most of them are properties that you can buy or pay rent on a property's price is listed on the bottom of the space but some of them require you to draw a card from one of two decks collect money or even go to jail.


Every time a player lands on or passes 
the go space the player will collect $200 from the banker.

Free parking: 

If a player lands on the free parking 
space nothing happens.

Income tax:

The player may land on a tax 
space and will pay the tax describe. 


A player Mainland on a chance 
space and we'll draw a chance car the action described on the chance card is then completed and the card is returned to the bottom of the pile.


A player may land on the Community Chest 
space and we'll draw a Community Chest card the action described on the Community Chest  is then completed and the card is returned to the bottom of the pile.


If a player lays on the jail space 
nothing happens as he or she is just visiting.

Other players property:

If a 
player lands on a property square that is already owned by another player the player will have to pay the owner rent the amount owed is listed on the property card.

Go to Jail

There are three 
ways to be sent to jail.

1. Land on a 
square space marked go to jail.

2. Draw a 
card marked go to jail.

3. Roll 
doubles three times in a row.

Get out of Jai:

There are 
four ways to get out of jail.

1. Pay the 
$50 fine before rolling the dice.

2. Use 
a get-out-of-jail-free card before rolling the dice.

3. Roll doubles.

4. A
fter the third failed attempt to roll doubles you must pay $50 and leave the jail when you get out of jail move the number of spaces indicated by the dice while in jail you may buy and sell property and collect any rent you up you are not sent to jail if you land on jail space during game play and you don't get the fine.

How to Win Monopoly?

You may end 
the game at any time and tally the total net worth of each player you can play until one player has been declared bankrupt. Bankruptcy occurs when a player owes more than he or she can pay you must turn over all that you have including money in title deeds to the bank or another player depending on who current debt is owed to. If any player declared bankruptcy then he or she is no longer part of the game the last player or the player with the most money wins the game.