What is Cycling? Health Benefits of Cycling.

What is Cycling? Health Benefits of Cycling.


, use of a bicycle for sport, recreation, or transportation. Cycling consists of professional and amateur races, which are held mostly in Europe, the United States, and Asia. 

 Health Benefits of cycling:

Physical activities required to be fit and physically active regular exercise can can prevent serious diseases such as obesity cancer heart disease diabetes mental illness and arthritis cycling on regular basis is one of the simplest and fun way to stay away from health issues related to sedentary lifestyle cycling has now become an alternate style of exercising that younger generations prefer and maybe they use cycle to travel to work or participate in cycle a Thon's just by cycling for two to four hours a week can help people across all ages to attain desirable fitness level.

cycling to work 
can be very time efficient way to combine with your everyday workout routine research suggests on average 1 billion people ride bicycles every day for transport recreation and sport lets us now see some of the important benefits of cycling it is a low-impact exercise which causes less injuries and strains to your body cycling uses major muscles in your body thus provides overall good muscle workout cycling is easy to learn in practice unlike other activities which people take a lot of time just to learn and best of all once you learn cycling you will never forget it cycling improves your stamina and strength and it is a fun way to get fit you can just ride the bicycle down the hill connect to the nature and feel free from all stress you won't even feel as if you are doing some kind of physical exercise cycling can also be used as a mode of transport which replaces the sitting time spent in a car bus or train with some fun healthy exercise fun fact did you know that some countries pay you.

you cycle yes it is true they do so to improve fitness of their residents and also cope up with traffic issues the Netherlands pays zero point two two dollars per kilometer Belgium pays zero point two $6 per kilometer UK pays zero point one six dollars per kilometer France pays 230 dollars per year US. pays 20 dollars per month.

How cool is 
that but apart from these cycling has some serious health benefits since cycling improves your physical and mental health it can reduce the chances of experiencing major health problems thus no need to visit doctors or take those pills.

1. Avoids obesity:

Cycling raises 
your metabolic rate builds muscles and burns out body fat cycling combines with the healthy diet plan can help you reduce weight.

2. Protects from 
cardiovascular diseases:

Like high blood 
pressure stroke and heart attacks cycling strengthens the heart muscles and reduces body fat levels people who spend more time cycling have lesser chances of developing high blood pressure.

3. Avoids diabetes:

have found that people who do cycling for 30 minutes per day have a 40% less chances of developing diabetes.

4. Prevents cancer:

Some studies show cycling helps prevent 
cancer while another study suggested that women who cycle develop 34% lesser chances of suffering from breast cancer so to conclude cycling is not just fun workout but also helps you prevent from developing serious medical conditions it is easy to learn cost effective and keeps you energetic all day long so just grab that cycle and wander in the woods.