What is Rugby? How to play rugby? Benefits of playing Rugby.

What is Rugby? How to play rugby? Benefits of playing Rugby.


Greetings all sports freaks out there 
today we're going to talk about a real strenuous and rigorous sport rugby objective in the rugby game two teams compete against each other the team with the ball is required to move the ball up the field in phases of play keep in mind that the ball can never be passed forwards but players can run forwards with the ball or kick the ball forward to chase it down in score point the opposing team needs to stop the attacking team by tackling in trying to retain the ball the team that scores the most points 
wins the game games may end as a draw 

Rugby basic rules

1. The game consists 
of exactly 80 minutes which is broken down into two 40-minute halves with 10 minutes rest in between.

2. B
oth teams start with 15 players and 7 substitutes.
3. Players that have left the field are 
only allowed to return if they've been treated for an injury.
4. If a player is fouled the ball goes 
out of play or a try or drop goal is scored the game stops.
5. A foul is announced if a team makes a 
tackle above shoulder height.

6. The defending 
team must tackle the player by grabbing hold of him and pulling them to the floor.

7. Attacking 
players must remain behind the ball to avoid being called offside.

8. Players not 
indulged in play can be in front of the ball but must get back behind the ball before they again interfere with play.
9. The moment the ball goes into touch a line out is called.

10. Seven players are allowed to enter a 
line out and any of the players can be lifted in order to catch the ball being thrown in both teams can compete to win the ball.
11. If the player manages to kick the 
ball through the top section of the goal a successful conversion penalty or kick at goal is awarded if a player is unsuccessful the ball is still in play until it crosses one of the boundaries of the playing field.


A team can score a point in one of four 
1. Five points are awarded when a 
player places the ball down in their opponent's dead ball area behind the goal.
2. A free kick earns two bonus points 
if the ball passes between the upper post and the top bar on the goal.
3. In case of an infringement by the 
opposing team a penalty kick will gain a team with three points.
4. A drop ball can be kicked out of 
the hand as long as the ball bounces first and can earn a team three points.

Rugby field
The field is 100 meters long 
and 70 meters wide with a minimum of a 10 meter dead ball area the h-shaped goal is 6 meters wide with no restrictions on height there are the following markings on the field a halfway line 5 meter line 22 meter line 10 meter line and a dead ball line a center spot for restarting the game after a try penalty or drop goal has been scored that's it folks this is all you need to know to get out on the field and start playing rugby remember hard work and persistence is crucial share your first experiences with us.

Health and mental benefits of playing R

This is a British sport.  Rugby is played 
on a 100 meter long field the goal area has a length of 22 meters there are 15 core players in the substitute set of eight players in a team of rugby players the ball has to be brought to the goal line but is marked on the ground of the enemy side it not only makes the players physically fit but also mentally to some of its benefits our a sense of camaraderie with teammates can be an important part in helping the mind to stay positive.

Rugby can ah nice drink a strong hand is needed to tackle and throw and leg muscle needed for running and fighting. It helps in reducing the coronary heart disease in men and women feet and hands undergo sudden changes in direction and speed this will help you to improve your flexibility rugby will improve your bone by stimulating the deposition of calcium along stress lines by increasing your bone density you can prevent osteoporosis later in life. It can be a tremendous confidence booster it is also a good way for kids to learn important lessons that they will remember for a lifetime.

We can learn the value of setting goals this will help setting them up for a lifetime rugby helps to learn social skills this is because you have to play in team in this game this will improve your social skill it will help to improve your self-esteem in confidence as we are physically active. It will also help to reduce anxiety finding our own style while playing rugby helped to learn about who we are in general thus it will help to understand your own personality it will help to release a chemical endorphin in the brain this will help you to maintain a positive mood throughout the day.