What is Badminton? How to play Badminton? Benefits of playing Badminton.

What is Badminton? How to play Badminton? Benefits of playing Badminton. 

Today we'll learn the rules of badminton 
badminton is played by two opposing players singles or doubles the object the badminton is to hit the shuttlecock with a racket so it passes over the net and lands inside the designated marked boundaries within the court if your opponent retaliates and returns to shuttlecock then the rally occurs back and forth until you force your opponent or your opponent forces you to hit the shuttlecock out or into the net scoring a point you're required twenty-four points to win a set players must win two out of three sets played to win the game.

What do you need to play badminton.

need a badminton court, a net, a shuttlecock and at least two badminton rackets who goes first a coin toss determines the player who serves first.


Badminton game rules

1. A player must 
wait until the opponent is ready before serving. 

2.Players must serve 
diagonally across the net to their opponent.

3. As points are one then 
serving stations move from one side to the other.

4. If a player touches the 
net with any part of their body or racket then it's deemed a Fault in their opponent receives the point.

5. If the 
shuttlecock hits the net or lands out then a point is awarded to your opponent.

6. All players must be inside the lines of their respective service courts at the point of contact during the serve.

 Shuttle landing on the line is alright.

8. A surf must be hit 
underarm and below the surface waste no overarm serves are allowed.

9. During 
play the player may move around the court as they wish.

10. Players are 
permitted to hit the shuttlecock from out of the playing area.

11. In 
badminton only the server can win points.

 players should announce the score of the game before serve at the shuttlecock call out your total number of points followed by your opponent's total number of points.

What is Rally?

when you and your opponent hits the shuttlecock back and forth until someone misses and the shuttlecock lands on the ground this is called rally after you serve the shuttlecock your opponent attempts to hit it back over the net to you if they miss the shuttlecock and it lands in the court you win the rally and score one point for both singles and doubles games you must swamp service courts when you win a rally if you have a partner trade places after the first service performed the next server is determined by whoever wins a rally if you serve the first round and won the 
first round 
rally continue serving until the other player wins a turn.

What is let?

A let is 
a situation requiring a replay these may include the shuttlecock getting stuck in the neck the server serving out of turn one player was not ready for a decision which was too close to call.

How to win?

badminton game the player who reaches 21 points first wins the set if the scores are tied 22:20 then it comes down to whether the player manages to get two clear points ahead if the points are still tied 29 29 then the next point will decide the winner of the set to win the badminton game the player must win two out of three sets played popular in badminton rules.

Benefits of playing Badminton. 

Top five health benefits of playing.
1. Badminton increases longevity

A hardly 
known fact about badminton is that it is an aerobic game which improves your breathing pattern just like when you do yoga. Playing badminton every day for at least 30 to 40 minutes can increase blood circulation control bad cholesterol and heat rate which improves overall health and longevity it also 
helps in controlling blood pressure 
hypertension and heart beats. When you play badminton on a regular basis you tend to improve your overall quality of health and hence life.

2. Playing cool and fun.
Playing badminton is always cool and fun 
it's never boring like doing common exercises which makes you feel lazy to exercise every day so it becomes easy to play badminton every single day it also makes you happy satisfied and develop the habit of doing some physical activities every day. 

3. Play badminton improves 
mental agility.
Playing any kind of games 
does offer a number of health benefits did you know playing badminton helps improve mental alertness and agility it is a simple game yet you need to think to play the game perfectly which improves your logical thinking ability playing helps you to relax this tends to make you happier.

4. Play badminton gets you fit and in shape.
Staying fit and in shape does 
require some good amount of physical activities and playing badminton helps you to do that without struggling every day playing badminton for at least 30 minutes every day can be your perfect fitness regime with badminton getting yourself in great shape is easy and fun
5. Family time.
can be a great way to stay connected 
with your family it is a social game that can be played by anyone regardless of any age group whether you are in 60s 50s or just a 10 years old kid anyone can play badminton and reap its benefits it is an easy game so anyone can basically learn the game even if he is a beginner. 

              "So Play Badminton and live healthier and fit life".