What is Chess? Rules of Chess. Benefits of playing Chess.

What is Chess? Rules of Chess. Benefits of playing Chess.

Chess and its rules: 

The object of the game 
is to checkmate the other King checkmate happens when the king is in a position to be captured it's in check and cannot escape from the capture at the beginning of the game the chessboard is laid out so that each player is sitting across from the other and has the white or lighter colored square in the bottom right hand side the chess pieces are then arranged the same way each time the second row is filled with pawns the first row should be set up as following going from left to right rook Knight Bishop King Queen Bishop Knight rook you've set it up correctly if your queen is on the same colored square as the color of the piece the player with the white pieces always moves first a turn consists of moving one piece one time players alternate turns until the end of the game spaces may not be shared by pieces pieces cannot move through or over any other piece opponent's pieces can be captured by correctly moving your piece to the square of the opponent's piece when a piece is captured it is eliminated and removed from the board each of the six different kinds of pieces has a unique way of moving pawns move one square forward towards your opponent's side of the board at a time unless it is the first time it is moved during the game in which case it may be moved up to two squares forward pawns can only capture pieces one square diagonal in front of them and cannot capture pieces directly in front of them but instead are unable to move forward if a pawn reaches the 
other side of the board it can be 
changed into any other type of piece this is called a promotion rooks can move any number of squares side to side or back and forth rooks cannot move diagonally rooks cannot jump pieces but instead capture the first enemy piece they move into Knights move in the shape of an L moving two squares in one direction except diagonal and then one more square at a 90-degree angle the knight jumps over any piece in the way capturing any opponent piece in its final move position bishops can move any number of squares diagonally they capture the first enemy piece they move into the Queen can move any number of spaces in any direction the Queen captures the first enemy piece she moves into the King can move one square at a time in any direction.

The King can never move 
himself into check whenever a moved directly results in the opponent's king being threatened meaning if an action is not taken the next turn the king would be captured the attacking player must say check the opponent must then use their turn to protect the King by either moving the King out of check moving a different piece to block the path of the attacker or by capturing the piece that threatens the king if they move directly result in the opponent' King being threatened and there is no move to protect the King the attacking player then declares checkmate the game is over and he wins a draw or stalemate occurs when the king is not in check and the player cannot legally move any of his pieces or if there is any other situation where there is an impossibility of checkmate there are a couple other types of unique moves the first is called castling on a player's turn he may move his King two squares over to one side and then moved the rook from that sites corner to right next to the King on the opposite side however inorder to castle.

The following conditions 
must be met it must be the King's very first move it must be that rooks very first move there cannot be any pieces in between the King in the rook and the King may not be in check nor pass through check the second is called n pissant if a pawn moves out two squares on its first move and by doing so lands on the side of an opponent's pawn effectively jumping past the other pawns ability to capture it that other pawn has the option of capturing the first pawn as it passes by but must do so by the very next turn otherwise it loses the opportunity to capture it the pawn must move diagonally to the square directly behind the other pawn the first player to checkmate their opponent wins.

 Top 10 health benefits of chess

1. Health 
and fate of chess is it promotes brain growth games like chess that challenge the brain actually stimulate the growth of dendrites the bodies that send off signals from the brains neurons though with more dendrite with neural communication with the brain improves and becomes faster think of your brain like a computer processor the tree like branches of dendrites fire signals that communicates to other neurons which makes a computer processor operate at a fast optimal state interaction with people in challenging activities also fuels dendrite growth and chest is the perfect example.

2. It exercises both 
sides of the brain a German study indicated that when chess players were asked to identify chess positions and geometric shapes both the last and right hemispheres of the brain became highly active the reaction times to the simple shape to its name but the extras were using both sides of the brain can more quickly respond to the chest position.

3. It raises your IQ 
do smart people play chess or does chess make people promote at least one scientific study has shown that playing the game can actually raise the person's IQ a study of 4,000 Venezuelan students produced significant rises in the IQ scores of both boys and girls after four months of chess instruction so grab a chess board and improve your IQ.
4. It helps prevent Alzheimer's as we 
age it becomes increasingly important to give the brain a workout just that you would every other major muscle group in 
order to keep it healthy and fit 
a recent study features in the New England Journal of Medicine found that people over 75 who engaged in brain games like chess are less likely to develop dementia than their non board game playing peers the saying you're going to leave it certainly applies here as a sedentary brain can decrease brain power all the more reason to play test before you turn 75.

5. Its bust 
your creativity plain chest helps unleash originality since it activates the right side of the brain the slag responsible for creativity 1 for your study has 
students from grades 7 to 9 play chess 
use computers or do other activities once a week for 32 weeks to see which activity fosters the most growth and creative thinking the church group scored higher in all measures of creativity with originality being the biggest area of game.

6. I
t increases problem-solving skill a chess match requires fast thinking and problem solving on the slide because your opponent is constantly changing the parameter a 1992 study conducted on 450 fifth-grade students the New Brunswick indicated that those who learn to play chess scored significantly higher on standardized tests compared to those who 
did not play chess.

7. It teaches 
planning and foresight one of the less parts of the brain to develop during adolescence is the prefrontal cortex the area responsible for judgment planning and self-control because plain chess requires strategic and critical thinking it helps promote prefrontal cortex development and help teenagers make better decisions in all areas of life perhaps keeping them from making an irresponsible risky choice.
8. It 
improves reading skills in an oscillator 1991 study dr. stuart mcgill studies of reading performance of 53 elementary school students who participated in a chess program and evaluated them compared to non chess playing students in the district and around the country he found definitive results that plane tests caused increased performance and reading in a district where the average student tested below the national average kids from the district who play the game tested above it.

9. It 
optimizes memory improvement chess players know that playing chess improving memory mainly because of the complex rules you have to remember as well as the memory recall needed when trying to avoid previous mistakes or remembering a certain opponent playing style good chess players have exceptional memory performance and recall a study of Pennsylvania's sixth graders found that students who had never before played chess improved their memories and verbal skills after playing.
10. It 
improves recovery from stroke or disability chess develops fine motor skills and individuals who have disability or have suffered a stroke or other physically debilitating accident this form of rehabilitation requires the motion of chess pieces in different directions forward backwards diagonally for motion bang only backward motion which can help develop and fine-tune a patient's motor skill while the mental effort required to play the game can improve cognitive and communication skills playing can also stimulate deep concentration and calm helping the center and relax patients who are experiencing different degrees of anxiety.

So there you have it these 
are the top 10 health benefits of chess.